The praying mantis is a harmless insect and likes to play, so it seems to me. This was shown in several of my photo captures with the creature staring at the camera in a pose-like manner. It was at this point of my photo shoot when Jomabel, our young house assistant started asking the praying mantis this question : "Haen an langit (Where's heaven?)," then I remember and pointed out this observation to Jomabel that our usual question (addressed to the praying mantis) when we were kids was different. Our question was : Haen an sirangan?(Where is the sunrise?) . But it doesn't matter. I was busy taking photos of the lovable creature.
Overhearing our conversation, Oya Choling, our elderly neighbor smiled at us with a knowing look and a glint in her eyes that only means that she too is reminiscing her own childhood. So, I thought this 'bayi' (local name of the praying mantis) conversation play is as old as any senior Bulusanon can remember. It is a traditional Bulusanon children's play that has been going on for so long and most often taken for granted but nevertheless have brought joy to Bulusan kids from generation to generation.
The praying mantis after the play was over is always released unharmed by Bulusans kids then and now. The question still remains however on why the praying mantises involved in those play conversation always do their part willingly with playful gesture to boot.
Photos: Alma P. Gamil
Bulusan, Sorsogon, Philippines